415 N. Palmetto Avenue Green Cove Springs, FL 32043
Consult this list of frequently asked questions and answers if you are a landlord or tenant in need of some legal advise.
So you've been summoned to court to jury duty. If you have questions, consult these FAQS and answers regarding jury duty in Florid ...
Frequently asked questions, like "When am I under arrest?," "How soon after my arrest can I see a Judge?," and "Can my juvenile ...
If you've always been confused about the various different courts in Florida (eg. What exactly is the difference between felony ...
Consult these FAQs and answers regarding DUI and PIP coverage, along with other important information if you are driving in Florid ...
Some police have a common saying when they are putting someone in handcuffs and placing them (sometimes not so gently) in the back ...